Monthly Shaarli

All links of one month in a single page.

May, 2022

Find lokation af IP adresse

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Europas største infoside om skadedyr
Malware hunting

SQLite is a C-language library that implements a small, fast, self-contained, high-reliability, full-featured, SQL database engine. SQLite is the most used database engine in the world. SQLite is built into all mobile phones and most computers and comes bundled inside countless other applications that people use every day.

Prevent Directory Browsing with .htaccess

Mylio is the only photo manager where you can edit, organize, sync, and protect a lifetime of photos and videos – keeping your files private on your own devices.

Hvilken Bank eller Afdeling tilhører et registreringsnummer?
Webbased FTP
Monsta is your modern web interface for FTP
How to add, list and remove IP addresses in Windows Firewall
Windows Apps for Networking
Shaarli - The personal, minimalist, super-fast, database free, bookmarking service

Welcome to Shaarli!

Shaarli allows you to bookmark your favorite pages, and share them with others or store them privately.
You can add a description to your bookmarks, such as this one, and tag them.

Create a new shaare by clicking the +Shaare button, or using any of the recommended tools (browser extension, mobile app, bookmarklet, REST API, etc.).

You can easily retrieve your links, even with thousands of them, using the internal search engine, or search through tags (e.g. this Shaare is tagged with shaarli and help).
Hashtags such as #shaarli #help are also supported.
You can also filter the available RSS feed and picture wall by tag or plaintext search.

We hope that you will enjoy using Shaarli, maintained with ❤️ by the community!
Feel free to open an issue if you have a suggestion or encounter an issue.

Biopix naturfotos - naturbilleder

Biopix er en samling af biologiske billeder, primært fra Norden. Biopix anvendes af studerende, undervisere, forskere, fotografer etc. som et online opslagsværk. Fotografierne anvendes desuden professionelt til en lang række udgivelser; salget hjælper til at financiere driften.

IPBAN releases

IPBan is a simple yet powerful solution for Windows and Linux to prevent botnets and hackers from breaching your computers. Protecting your security is the primary goal, but there are also performance improvements by getting determined botnets and hackers into the firewall. A lot of CPU and system resources are used, especially for remote desktop, for each failed login attempt.

IPBan is able to protect remote desktop (RDP), SSH, SMTP, databases like MySQL or SQL Server, and other protocols like VNC out of the box. Adding additional protection for other protocols is simple. By editing the configuration file, you can protect any system that writes to the event viewer (Windows) or a log file (Windows or Linux).

On Linux, IPBan scans /var/log/auth*.log by default to detect failed SSH logins. You can easily add custom log file paths if you have other types of logs that you want to scan.

IPBan uses terms like whitelisting and blacklisting throughout the code and documentation. These are industry standard terms and should not be inferred to have any other meaning beyond the allowing and blocking of ip addresses.